"Whatsoever Ye Ask For Will be Granted".
I thought a moment and then said to myself,
'This is an answer to yesterday's prayer.'
I was agonizing all day which way to go with the Church, listening to
Pentecostal preachers and wondering how I could press this Mission of
MotherGod forward. Now God was giving me carte blanch, that whatever I
asked for God would ratify! I had better get my head on straight and start
asking, I decided, as it would be granted, and so I immediately started:
Rasa to God:
I want TOOLS to serve you with, opportunities to bring YOUR HOLY SPIRIT and
the BAPTISM THEREOF to the whole world.
I want to reach the six billion people on this planet for MOTHER GOD and
REINSTATE Her prerogatives.
I want to be able to segue all that Jesus and Yoga (and Buddhism) have
taught under the umbrella of the Feminine Divine.
I want to rewrite the Catholic Catechism to sinc with the Mother God
viewpoint which is Mother God - Creation - Holy Spirit and includes the
issues of ecology, animal rights, stop the child abuse, normal sexuality
instead of repression, and all that we stand for.
I want the opportunity to be heard for Mother God. I want people to LISTEN
to what I have to say regarding the meaning of my life, when I am given
places to lecture and speak all over the world.
I then want MotherGod to give me the unction of the Holy Spirit so it will
fall upon the people whenever they hear about our Mission - That I can reach
these people electronically if not physically to the ends of the earth.
I want the Holy Spirit to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons,
transform minds and hearts, save souls, and lift them to the Heavens, in the
name of Mother God.
I want reporters and journalists, all writers, to record what I have said
faithfully and not twist my life story around to merely sell news. I want
them to give my life story a faithful rendering and honest hearing.
I want people to understand Jesus from the Yoga and Matriarchy point of
I want patriarchy to fall. I want it to diminish, shrink and become
impotent as soon as possible to make way for Mother God and Her
For my personal self I want God - God is FIRST, God is ALL. I want to live
in intimate union with God at all times and in all ways without my flesh or
ego ever dragging me down. I want to be free of the world, flesh and devil
at all times and assist others in doing so.
I want to make all my decisions based on the VISION of God which God gives
me, always FREE of human nature. I want to be able to practice at all times
the virtues, gifts and enlightenment God has given me so I do not stumble
and fall into darkness. I wish the same for all others.
I want to be able to preach and teach wisely and well, to stay in the Light
and make full use of my time and energy while on earth, to free the captives
from darkness, delusion and error.
I want to be a Light on earth a beacon, a warrior against lies, deceptions
and plagues.
I want the full gospel of Mother God to be preached. This includes all that
Jesus taught and more.
I want the Holy Spirit to raise up for Mother God Mighty Apostles who will
carry on this work, reaching the whole world continually after I am gone.
Let not the Mother God Mission ever subside but become stronger.
I want my heart, mind and soul to be filled at all times with the unction of
the Holy Spirit, with the total love of God and my neighbor, which includes
animal neighbor.
God has given me so much and I want to use every resource God has given me
for this Good Work of God. I want God to liberate me, set me free of all
negative and natural thoughts and feelings that weigh me down and I want the
same for all those who want this.
I want my body and all our bodies of God's people to stay strong and healthy
so we are free to keep going for God.
I want all the reasons for Matriarchy to be made known. I want Mother God
to raise up Apostles, Disciples, Ministers, Shamans who are capable, worthy,
holy and courageous to do everything possible to propagate Matriarchy and
Mother God. I want their voices heard in the mainstream, all over the
world. I want us to work in fellowship, sisterhood, male and female, with
love, devotion, right-mindedness, singularity, focus, loyalty, inspiration,
zeal and wisdom.
I want Pentecost to fall upon us and give us the Power of the Holy Spirit
with all Presence and Gifts just like the Apostles of Jesus Christ in the
I want all those I have attracted to now begin the work in any capacity they
are able with new doors opening and spiritual ideas and concepts coming
their way. I want them to be filled with the unction of the Holy Spirit of
Mother God, to light their way in all things and keep them empowered.
This University of MotherGod Church is a good beginning, a fit vehicle and a
worthy instrument and it needs to be used. I am but a servant of Mother God
who longs to obey and do what She wants, and I ask for tools and
opportunities and soldiers in Her Holy Army of Light to fight the devil and
all his lies and all his pretensions.
The victory is already ours but I long to see the manifestation of God's
victory on earth.
Long ago Satan defeated men and got them to do his bidding, and Satan became
the 'Prince of this world'. His days of authority are numbered, he is going
down fast, and we will usher in his total demise and disappearance from our
May all these things come to pass in the promise of God, Amen and
She has risen; She was asleep for thousands of years, She has now returned
in Power and Glory to reclaim Her rights. I say to all, onward Mother's
soldiers, move ahead with no hesitation or fear, 'no weapon formed against
us shall prosper. Hell is waiting for those who oppose God, the Mighty Hand
of Mother God is here and no one can oppose Her. She has returned to
vanquish our ancient enemy who had a time on earth, but his time is ended
and he will fall downward permanently.
I praise and worship Mother God and all Her saints and say Amen to all this
and Hallelujah, She has risen!
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