Wednesday 17 December 2008


Patriarchy's Short-Term Ends Come to an End

Since MotherGod worship has been supressed, (and few people have
access to the underground woman-religions), people have sought other
ways to satisfy their yearnings. I have said in the past four
articles how this need surfaces in the public attention given to
beautiful women. 'Beautiful' could be conventional or far from it. It
can be a rock star, a magazine or tv model, a movie actress, a
wrestling star, a bodybuilder or a dominant woman. Different women
are riveting for different reasons but they all display some sort of
superiority or special merit.

Private women also have their 'followings,' as everyone knows. Even
plain women have guys after them, as the need for woman by man is

However, there is a monkey wrench in all of this. Some might object
to this thesis and simply say,

'Men are horndogs and women are being exploited. Women are being used
to sell everything, promote everything. And they do not get out of
this as much as the men are getting. And what about the violence, the
cruelty, the rapes, the put downs, the slander against womankind by men?

These are all good and true statements. It is so. Men are abusing
women. But let me put it to you it is love turned to perversion.
Every one of these men who rapes, violates, injures and murders women
did not start out that way. They were once helpless infants in the
arms of a woman. They loved, in a natural way, a mother or mother
figure. Something went wrong in these men. There are two types of
things that went wrong. One, personal things such as mental and
emotional illness or demonic possession. And second, the conditioning
of Patriarchy which forces men to look down on women. Boys did not
start out hating women. They all began as needy children who loved
what they needed - their Mom. But programming and hard life changes that.

Rejection is one of the basic problems. Men cannot handle it as well
as women can - they get violent or suicidal. But the man who was
rejected suffers because the one he desired did not want him. My
point is, there is a powerful, overwhelming need, so strong, that men
go crazy when they cannot have it. Yes, men turn to raping, torturing
not just the women who reject them, (or symbols of same) but the
children that they had together. I do not want to relate here all the
stories we have heard. They are in our heads. (You do not see the
opposite - women torturing children because men have rejected them!)
So in these cases, it is love gone bad, love that has turned to hate,
perversion and rage.

In the public sphere, once again, the thing that should be cherished -
womankind - is sadly exploited. There are many reasons for this, but
basically, it is conspiracy. If they can push women down to
second-class citizens, then they can get what they want out of the
thing they desire. Woman becomes domesticated animal. He takes her
out of freedom, pens her up and has her produce children and work as a
conubial slave, with rewards from good to none. Sometimes she gets
another dependent by having him, but without the recognition of authority.

While writing this series a couple days ago I had a horrific dream.
God showed me what men were up to. It was simple. They kill for money.
Nothing complicated or mysterious. You are given money and you kill.
That is it. If you look at all of Patriarchy from the beginning of its
maddening start, you will see it . It is violence and murder for
greed, for filthy lucre. How did women get swept aside? They were
one of the commodities. If a man has the money, he can get the women.
Patriarchy is a system of force, killing and slavery.

Now you look around us and in the United States, it's not so bad.
The 'civilized' world has come a long way. But it's not like this
everywhere. Some countries are as evil as it ever was. We will not
get into all of that here - we all know the facts.


Without a doubt, in the last hundred and fifty years, big changes
have occured. The beginning of Matriarchy can be traced back to the
first wave of the 'feminist' movement in the 1860's. And how did THAT
get started? When the industrial revolution set in, the age of
technology began, and then, liberation of women. Why? When machines
can do what men used to do, men lose the edge they had over women.
Now this has escalated to such a point that the male is becoming
obsolete or 'redundant.' (I have a book by two guys called, 'The
Redundant Male.') What exactly do I mean?

Throughout all of history, wars were fought basically with bodies and
swords. A woman could not compete with that. Because God made her
body to bear children, she could not afford to grow huge muscles - her
power went into reproduction. (She was made to create, not to
destroy.) Male used this one weapon - his bigger size and muscle
strength - to kill other men, hold women in place, and even kill women
if they stood up to him or threatened him (like women standing up with
superior minds or intuition or spiritual light.)

As soon as muscle power was not needed, by technology taking over
(think of World War I and then World War II, how technology escalated
in such a short time) men were not needed. A war machine of today,
with all its armaments, could easily be controlled by women and we
could wage a successful war if need be, without any men at all. This
seems far fetched, but there is scant little hand-to-hand combat these
days. Think of it. Nobody is going out to 'Flander's Field' duking
it out, even with guns. It is done with machinery - tanks and machine
guns, in lowest level of the fighting. Physical strength is probably
the least thing needed in the theater of war today. More than ever it
is BRAINS RUNNING MACHINERY that wins. Women can handle this. They
are beginning to do a lot of it, and in the future, will do more. This
does not mean I am advocating war - I am for peace if possible - but
what I am saying is that if a Hitler or Stalin came around again, it
is possible that women could handle it with technology.

The way we grow our food has also changed - technology. Women can
easily run the machines. Many are.

Men have lost their edge. The cork they have held down is popping up.


Now we return to the thesis of these articles: Worship of beautiful
women is hunger for MotherGod. How does all this come together, where
are we now and which way are we going?

As all of what I have stated has happened, something is also changing
in religion. Religion as we know it for the most part, has been the
theology of males. It was not for the good of all, but let us say it
has been the PUBLIC RELATIONS MANUAL OF MEN. In this manual was the
dogma that all would be programmed in from birth. There are the handy
myths that tell us what God did and when He did it. (It is assumed God
is a male.) Then He creates everyone and everything, and it is He who
makes man superior and woman inferior.

So right from the beginning, man has permission to lord it over woman,
and he is the steward of all mankind (he's not just one of God's
creatures, he's the boss!) and that gives him permission to lord it
over nature. His handbook gives man the OK to destroy nature, animals
and women. Very convenient for him.

There are variations in Holy Scriptures, but the manuals of men all
begin and end up the same way - God affording men power over women and
all the living.

Even if a Saint creates a great religion the males take it, twist it
around, and use it to suit their needs. In India, for instance, you
have as many Goddesses as Gods, but again, men forced women into
suicide when their husbands died, on the off chance they had poisoned
the bloke! Even today, in Christianity, by custom of both Catholic
and Protestant Churches, women still stand second best in ministering
the gospel, if they minister at all.

But enough about the Autumn of Patriarchy. Let us talk about the
Springtime of what is to come. Religion will change - and soon. What
we have now will mellow toward women, or shrink and dissapear; at best
pared down into cults - the 'MaleGod' cults. I doubt that the
Catholic Church will be able to hold out much longer against women
priests. Women will revolutionize the Catholic Church, once they get
their foot in the door. In Protestant circles women will become
prominent, and they will not seek permission from men to minister.
They will not be talking about St. Paul's Christ being the head of the
man, and man the head of the woman. New types of Christian Churches
will emerge, with women running them and working out the dogma. The
language of course, will be inclusive, Mother/Father God, and She/He
created us.

To me most interesting will be the Goddess worshippers coming out into
the open. Women will have two things they did not have before. One,
freedom to worship MotherGod in the open, and two, they will have more
money than they ever had. (Of course, older women have had lots of
money through inheritence. But the climate of the world being what it
is, they did not spend their windfalls on building Temples to Goddess.
But soon, this will change.) Their new money will enable women to
build Centers, Temples and Churches in a magnificent way. There will
be great variety in worshipping MotherGod! And it will be beautiful!

What will happen to this cult of beautiful women (in the media) that
men worship now? I suspect that will subside. It will never go away,
but men (and women) will not worship empty symbols the way they have.

'When that which is perfect has come, that which is in part shall be
done away with.'

The real 'goddesses,' which are of Spirit and Truth, will be revered.
Humanity will find what it has been yearning for, and its hunger will
be fulfilled.

Rasa Von Werder
September 8, 2005

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