Friday, 9 October 2009

Old Woman, Young Man – Why They Belong Together



The word “vision” is explained by the great mystic, Mary of Agreda, as having several dimensions, one of which is Intellectual Vision or Understanding. To understand a complicated or difficult thing is to have a VISION of it, which means, that one sees THE WHOLE PICTURE OF, that she understands its parts, and sees the entire whole.

The Lies of Patriarchy

In our world, to understand the vision of Matriarchy is not an easy thing, because the entire culture is mind control for Patriarchy, which is opposite to Matriarchy, and the brainwashing begins in infancy, and by the time a person grows up, unless something happens, they are lost to Patriarchal thinking.

Importance of Ashley Montagu

For me, escape from Patriarchy started long ago – perhaps with seeing Ashley Montagu on the David Susskind “Open End” show. Here was a man espousing female supremacy, an outrageous idea both then and now. His book, “The Natural Superiority of Women,” was published in 1952, he promoted it years hence, and it must have been “59 or “60 when I saw him.

Ashley Montagu put a seed in my head that grew, and I knew that if women really were superior to men, (and he had the proof, based on their having two X chromosomes compared to male having one), then everything taught in our world was wrong, the basic premise of our culture was faulty, and nothing that was right was being promulgated. And so, I studied everything around me, trying to figure out why it was all men’s way, but it took years to fall into place.

I Enter the Internet

When I entered the internet in 2004, it was not for Matriarchal but spiritual work. But soon, the Female Empowerment concept entered in, arising from natural instinct within my soul. I added this and “The Feminine Divine” to the curriculum of “Woman, Thou Art God”, and soon after much research concerning these subjects arrived. It is ironic that most of the information/research came from the opposite sex–to prove the downfall of men and the uprising of women.

William Bond and Other Great Souls

William Bond appeared– I call him “The Prophet of Matriarchy.” He’d been on the internet for eight years before me, on “Women Should Rule the World”, he’d published two books, “Gospel of the Goddess”, with Pamela Suffield and “Make Love, Not War”, he had big yahoo groups, later adding blogs, and was the first person to give Matriarchal lectures on Youtube. William was inspiration and example for me, I thought, if he could do it, I could and soon caught up with him in production of material. I learned from the writings of William, I use his quotes as some of the sharpest points for Matriarchy – a favorite being that women are corks which men held down, but once they let go, women popped up. He also pushed the idea of female nurturing power, vs. males lack thereof; that women care for others, men don’t, and so, women should rule the world. On top of that he explained that when men are brutalized, they become brutal, but under the same conditions, women do not, because of their maternal instinct. And so, he says, males can be mind controlled, brain washed, to commit atrocities, as in war. He had worked his theses out before I appeared. I had been in different arenas, on the world stage, instituting female competitive body building (causing machisma), (was awarded by the WBBG in 2007 as the Progenitor of modern competitive female body building), “Stripping for God,” (proving spirituality and sexuality do mix) and as a professional “dominant woman,” espoused that females are superior and should rule the family and world – my manifesto was repeated on many national TV shows. I was not yet preaching Matriarchy – William was the catalyst to get me into that frame of mind.

We became friends, but jealous women (as usual) interfered so it was rocky, but all was made right. These women, who temporarily succeeded in pulling William away from me twice, have had no success in the Female Empowerment arena, and returned to the oblivion they deserve. William is again my best partner, and this time for keeps, as he claims I am the leader of our movement. (Thank you William, my prophet!)

Building the Vision

There were other important people. Mark Hopkins had produced a site that was supreme, where he’d gathered research for four books called “The Fall of Mankind,” proving “the future belongs to women,” and there exists a “male decline and extinction.” He rocked my world, I’m glad that I downloaded his site, because I can no longer find it on the internet. Mark’s site is one of the most priceless on the web, a one-of-a-kind creation. I shuddered at the thought some day it might not be there, and that day seems to have come. (Later on, I saw pictures of Mark Hopkins - I never knew the physics genius I’d been sharing ideas with was a hottie on the scale of one to ten, a twelve!...Right now I am worried, as not only am I unable to find his site, I cannot find him.)

Another ally is Thomas Andrews, a sensitive person who understands the need for Matriarchy, he did a lot of work. My disciples Michael Krause and Nicolas Strachan have been very helpful. (It was a contribution from Thomas that led me to Mark Hopkins.) Dozens of people took part in “building the vision”, even women. Pretty soon, I had all the information needed to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt why Patriarchy is evil to the core, why men cannot rule the world, why women have to take authority, and that, indeed, Patriarchy is declining and Matriarchy is coming.

The Origin of Evil

In the next two years, I got not only the cake but the icing on the cake, I knew the origin of evil, and it was men. No Satan, it was them, just men with their Freudian ID, releasing demons into the world, while worshipping the monster inside themselves in once-secret groves.

Soon I began to publish books with the material I had put together, the first being “Can Female Power Save the Planet.” As of September, 2009, we have thirteen books on the market – you may find them on and other venues.

Geneticists Dr. Bryan Sykes, and Dr. Steve Jones

When I discovered the links on Mark Hopkins site that led to geneticists Steve Jones and Bryan Sykes – (proving male extinction) – it was a pivotal time for my work. I knew there was a God, and She had heard the cries of the poor, She was taking care of business. I never looked back, - Mother God is God, her power is escalating at a rate on earth alarming to men, so says Mark Hopkins; my hottie Mark is right.

Dr. James W. Prescott

A great event happened when I found the site of neuropsychologist Dr. James W. Prescott (Health Scientist, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development), “The Origins of Love and Violence”! His studies, how violence is caused by lack of intimacy with Mother, were funded by the government, but they terminated his work in 1981. Why? Because they want unhappy people for the “culture of death”! Everything in Patriarchy is topsy turvy, health is bad, dysfunction is good. Dr. Prescott explains brilliantly that the beginning of health, happiness and sexual development lies at the breast and heart of Mom, and the opposite of that, lack of intimacy with Mom, isolation from her, causes suicide, sexual dysfunction and violence. His teachings are an important part of my work, the Matriarchal mission, and this book. His writings, together with the work of clinical evolutionary psychologist Dr. Dale Glaebach, formed most of the book I published, “Breast Feeding is Love Making Between Mother and Child.”

Dr. Dale Glaebach wrote how the pleasure of breast feeding was devised by Mother Nature as a way of insuring the human race. Patriarchy, then and now, has tried to turn breastfeeding into an asexual, non pleasurable experience, and even removed a child from a mother for one year, for having sensations while breast feeding! He debunks that kind of thinking.

The People Who Enlightened Me

There were dozens of people who enlightened me and so prepared me to eventually have the Vision of Matriarchy. In the nineties, it was the dissidents Dr. Noam Chomsky, Dr. Michael Parenti, and Howard Zinn, and after 2007 the “conspiracy experts” David Icke and Alex Jones, preceeded by Jordan Maxwell. With the dissidents, I learned how faulty the male system is, how corrupt and cruel, not really getting why. With the conspiracy people I could see why they did what they did, and the corruption was so complete it defied the imagination. This was looking at the face of Hell.

Kay Griggs and the Last Equation

There was but one equation I had not yet wrought, that still remained a mystery – and that was where was the sex in the military? I knew that wherever there were men, there was sex, but there was no record, by dissidents or conspiracy people, of any type of known or covert sexual antics—the idea being that the military was asexual, and only the business of war, they didn’t have anything to do with sex. Then I heard the Kay Griggs interviews on Youtube, Google and MySpace. Kay Griggs was probably the last corner I had to turn for total vision. Her disclosures were so predictable as to be absurd, where you could just say, “of course, I could have told you that.”

What Kay Griggs revealed brought my mind back to the time of Greece, especially Sparta. There all the boys were taken from their mothers at age seven. On TV documentaries they call it being “mentored” by older males – that’s a euphemism for “buggered” and “forced to do oral sex”, initiated into homosexuality from an age so young, that later on, they had trouble getting erections for their wives.

Aha, here we come to our present day subject, “Old Woman, Young Man – Why They Belong Together” with its antonym “Old Man, Young Man – Why They Have Young Men on Their Minds and Cocks.”

To talk about “Greeks” is a homosexual joke, “Greeking” means buggering, and with good reason, Greeks were not far behind (excuse the pun) the Spartans, I mean, they were all “mentoring” young men as soon as they could.

Do you see what I’m driving at? A society that is based on canvassing males into gangs of killers, come on, do they want them to stay in the arms of their Mothers? We are arriving at a pivotal point here – how Patriarchy works.

Here is how Patriarchy works:

Step One:

Take boys away from their Mothers, physically (as in Greece, Sparta) or MENTALLY (as in the Western “Civilization”) from an early age, so that Mothers do not have AUTHORITY over them, do not give them too much influence or loving.

Nuance of Step One:

Early weaning traumatizes boys (and girls) This is a must! Discourage women from breast feeding, as this makes children stable, secure, increases their mind power, makes them emotionally, mentally stable, gives them self esteem and security, by all means, prevent breast feeding because it makes super healthy children and it bonds children closely with their Mothers! – we Patriarchs want miserable, mixed up, confused children who suffer from “attachment disorder” (need of mother loving) (especially boys) so we can use them as cannon fodder, get them to join the military where they will rape, injure, kill the innocent. Strong, stable people will not do this, we cannot mind control them, early weaning is a must!

Second Nuance of Step One:

Get little babies away from Moms as soon as possible, such as pre-kindergarten, even age three, get them into institutional situations, where they will be deprived of the personal loving of Moms, where they will feel insecure, frightened, later, easier to mind control for Patriarchy. These children, when used to impersonal authority, will be easier to influence by Patriarchy, where there is no Mom, just an arm of men in some office or organization that will tell them what to do – this is a good beginning for mind control.

Step Two Undermine the Confidence of Mothers:

Undermine the confidence of women in caring for their boys (and girls.) Make them afraid of following their own instincts (which have been honed for millions of years) and get them to listen to the likes of Dr. Spock, and any doctors, theologians, or quacks of Patriarchy. Get women scared of having feelings when they breastfeed, getting pleasure out of it, convince them they are perverts. Tell women what to do, only men with degrees from male institutions know how to raise children, make them listen to men – men who don’t know the slightest thing about Mothering, nurturing, just listen to the men, Mother, and get really screwed, totally. We want screwed up people for Patriarchy.

Step Three: Make boys disrespect Moms and other women

Make boys disrespect their Moms and all women in general, get them away from women’s authority, and if they try and bond with women, respect them, call them names like “Mamma’s boy” (a terrible epithet that means he’s a weakling, sissy, homo). Boys must never, ever, look up to their Mother or an older woman, they must be macho!

To be macho means to be cold hearted, insensitive, not tender, or compassionate, a man must never cry, must not have deep feelings, if he does, he’s a sissy, and God help him if he’s a sissy. (But at the same time, listen to the step where they really and purposefully turn boys into homosexuals!)

Step Four: Sexually Abuse Boys in the most vulnerable place they are at, the NUCLEAR FAMILY!:

Why would sexual abuse be such an important phase of grooming boys for Patriarchy? Because, as we established in the disclosures of Kay Griggs, that hearken back to the days of Greece and Sparta, Patriarchy is a homosexual society, which has no respect for women, which uses women as sex and breeding objects, does not love women, but in a demonic way, not a spiritual way, loves men. And so, abusing boys in the home is a good beginning to separate them from women and make them susceptible to men, by imprinting upon them homosexual experiences, so that as they get older, whether they want to or not, they will get turned on by men, and therefore, two things will happen. One, they will be miserable, as they will be ashamed and confused by their feelings in a society which disrespects homosexuals, and second, they will have homosexual feelings even though they were not born homosexual, but forced into it. In this condition, they will be easier to get into the military and away from the influence of women and Matriarchal teachings.

Step Five: Undermine the Confidence of Old Women as to Their Sex Appeal and Desire for Young Males:

Convince women over fifty that they are finished, over the hill, done, have no sex appeal for anyone. Tell them that if they even think about having relationships with young men they are sick and crazy, they better get a life, and they are weird. They should look for older men only, so when they are 80, the right man for them is ninety, except they are all dead, so that means no sex pleasure or love for old women which is ok by us, we don’t care if old women suffer and die, we have no use for older women, as they might teach, preach, nurture, guide, and help the young males – we don’t want that!

Step Six: Convince Young Men That Wanting Old Women is Sick, Perverted, and Unnatural:

A lot of young males (and females) are suffering from “attachment disorder” now – it is pandemic, as we convinced women not to breastfeed. So there are a lot of people out there who need a Mother, and especially a lot of guys, who feel like killing themselves, or someone else, for need of unconditional Mother love and nurturing. By all means we must keep this violence and suicidal feelings going, as these type of males are really screwed up and therefore perfect for Patriarchy, as only twisted people feel comfortable with our culture of death, and violent men are especially needed for military. Now, if a young man gets his hands on an old woman for any kind of loving, he might start feeling better, as old women have powerful love; keep his hands off the woman and put them on a gun or a knife, or machine gun, or any kind of devise that hurts people. We must really kick up the pace on this issue, as young guys are really horny for old ladies, we must tell them, again and again and in every way, old women are ugly, being old is a sin, there is nothing beautiful about age. Now on the other hand, convince them to do young women, but not to love them, just pork, fuck, pop them, and move on. Never have feelings, women are for load dumping, dump and move, don’t worry about her feelings or her pleasure, just get a blow job, hump and run. That’s what it’s all about for a man. Then, when you’re ready to have a family, it’s different, use her up, get lots of kids, sexually abuse the kids, let them follow in your footsteps, be a man, join the military, kill more people, use more women to create. The idea is, stay away from feelings, from love, from respecting women – You don’t have to learn to make love or give women pleasure, old women will teach you that, God, by all means, stay away from old women!


Unknown said...


This is Kay ( Griggs). You are really right on the mark with this brilliant post. You may email me at if you like. I hope you have a great 4th.


Anonymous said...

Femdom is a tool of feminism to enslave men and make them weak and submissive.The funny thing is those who do femdom many a times revert back to other extreme-maledom.It does’nt take much intelligence to understand that this BDSM is only a sexual perversion designed to cause physical and mental trauma to people engaged in it and thus cause degeneration of society.Masonic(freemasons) writers for the last 200 years have written feminist and femdom sexual utopia in protestant countries under the secret guidance of catholic Jesuit preists.They promoted feminism and these sexual perversions only to destroy your protestant nations.Freemasonry is a secret society developed by Jesuits to enslave men and women of protestant countries through feminism and femdom and thus destroy protestantism secretly,results of which you can clearly see in mainline protestantism today.That is why you see masonic lodges only in predominantly protestant areas,never in catholic areas. I belive god will bless you to see the truth that feminism and femdom are only lies initiated by catholics through their secret jesuit -freemason axis to destroy protestantism-true religion of god.

Unknown said...

Neo's response is very interesting but from an historical point of view it lacks depth.

He may not be aware that it was not the freemasons who first promoted "women" or the "feminist" culture. It was none other than Jesus Christ of the gospels, particularly in Luke. who startled the dominant "male" culture of his day by hanging around a bunch of "women". Jesus Christ broke down barriers and challenged the authority of the pseudo-religious cults ( both Roman and Jewish ) which routinely slit the throats of lambs and other "young", perverted God's laws for their own benefit, and encouraged the power structure to prey on women, slaves, the elderly and the poor.

It was not just the Jesuits or freemasons who have " hurt maledom". Sadly, " maledom "is doing this to themselves. Historically it has been well documented that even protestant groups have themselves been guilty of crimes against society, and against god.

Ignorance of history is a is arrogance of power and hypocrisy of those in power. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't it "protestant" white sheeted white men who regularly lynched black men and hung them from trees? Protestant men who covered up their cowardly faces. Was this justice? Were these christian acts? I think not.

It is widely known that the political, military, and "religious" tracts written during the reformation and before were written by "men" who had the most to gain. They battled with words as well as politically and mililtarily for their ideas. But things were top-down.

History is written by the victors,but to get at the truth behind these "stories" one has to go beneath the surface. Often truth is revealed. And oddly enough many primary sources were written by "femdom", as women of noble birth were often taught to write.

Protestantism is not so simply wrapped up and packaged as you state. I generally agree about freemasonic attempts to infiltrate and destroy egalitarian christian beliefs and culture. However, it was the French "masonic temples" whose motives were more circumspect. These "temples" included "juden" who had been excluded from English and Scottish freemasonry and had a grudge against "christians" in general. As you may or may not know, juden were not allowed in England as a result of their practice of usury and predatory initiation "rites" which included circumcision and live animal or other sacrifice. The Magna Carta specifically expelled all jews from England until Oliver Cromwell allowed a few from Holland to work in the Whitechapel District (London).

The French "macons", particularly around Paris, welcomed jewish "merchants" and bankers. There is a long history of "religious conversions" for political and economic reasons particularly during the Spanish Inquisition and the crusades.

In jewish and muslim cultures, women must be subserviant, wear head coverings and like slaves, they have no legal rights. Women in these two cultures became threats.

Unknown said...

This blog does not let folks respond.


The Kings Lighthouse said...

People are so confused about what is right and what is wrong. If you look at nature you'll see that a male Lion rules the pride. A female lion goes for a strong male. If you look at basically every other type of mammal the same patern emerges. If your theory is right then we're all doomed. No woman in her right mind is going to subject herself to being pregnant knowing that the male she chose to impregnate her doesn't have the resources to ensure a safe upbringing of the offspring. Nature calls and women are attracted to men with resources. Money in other words. You are talking the most utter non sense that goes against the grain of what you are built to be. The real question here is , are you really built to be who you say you are. The only way you can be happy with the way you want things is if you are a control freak who can't trust a man and who's been hurt in the past. I don't expect this comment to remain here for long seeing as how you can't resist the urge to delete it. Perhaps you are left handed and have a male mind. This also happens but then don't come skew the whole of mankind just because you have a problem. Most left handed women are rigid and logical and can't submit to a male. There are so many factors to look at that to narrowly blurt out that women should be king is total trash. If that were so most of the jungle would be ruled by the apha females. Isn't it strage how they all look for an alpha male to mate with. Make sure of your facts before you write total non sense that others take for truth. I only pray that you can understand what I am saying .