Friday, 9 October 2009


To Steve Andrews (Bardofely),

i could tell u so many stories re. women who r “channeling” god, feminine divine, etc. some of them I spent lots of time with, listening 2 their endless chatter about how they r exclusive 2 god, how special they r, me wanting 2 believe they r special, wanting to gather them into our the end, it always fell apart because they r a house of cards. they can talk the talk, but the anointing (god power) is minimal, in some cases, non existent. This begs the questions, why do they sound so good, & what is god power?

The reason someone can sound good, steve, is because it’s only words, & an educated person can glean from this world a first class vocabulary & repeat, repeat, & they sound good but what is behind their words, is there divine presence? That is to say, have they really broken through, accessed the infinite mother god, & has this divine presence really anointed them or r they merely skeletons without flesh?

All women look alike, they all have breasts, vaginas, etc. they r all symbols of mother god. (Men r also symbols of divinity, as r animals, all life, all creation is god. But of course we believe women should be in authority & one up over males in leadership, & that males should bend the knee to worthy females.)

But even though a human creature has breasts & a vagina does not automatically mean she is the embodiment of mother god, mother god in the flesh. Some women, indeed, are bent toward hell just as r some men, their vaginas do not get them eternity.

I have noticed some of my associates do get confused on the issue of which females to follow, they follow with their dicks & their besotted minds, rather than submit 2 the one who actually demonstrates power.

In other words, women come across as “kind of sexy” or else as teachers, giving lots of attention or as mean vaginal machines (which grab the submissives) & the males fall – all because as males they r susceptible to female authority.

But here the male has to follow the call of the higher regions, which takes “discernment of spirits” (a gift of the holy spirit)

Not all women r goddesses!

Every dominatrix believes (or wants 2 believe, wants to convince u) she’s a “goddess,” but this is a word, can she demonstrate god power? Can she transmit the shakti kundalini, can she do faith healing, can she bring someone higher up in their chakras?

A true goddess can demonstrate true power, at least some if not all of the gifts of the holy spirit, including the gifts of power, which can mean phenomena or miracles!

A true goddess does not sit in a rocking chair, giving readings that come from her imagination, but she can go out into the world & do amazing things, break down doors, remove barriers, heal people of ignorance & diseases—look up faith healings, anointings, look up Aimee Semple McPherson, Smith Willglesworth, & Emmeline Pankhurst, & you see what anointed men & women can do.



in my case, I have documentation of power from the 70’s on up, of visions that other people had, of my appearances to others in bilocation, of healings, which were published in a local newspaper in Brooklyn (the Greenpoint Gazzette); i have diaries from the 70’s all on my kellie everts site. Then, in the present day, i documented the people who prayed to me, regarding the visions & transformations they had – all on the woman thou art god website, & in my book, “guru rasa & her devotees” – this includes photos of some of my followers & testimonies in their own words, & what is written is but a sample, there r many who remain private.

St. Paul said to Timothy, when Timothy asked him 4 greater power, (words to the wise),

“the greater the anointing, the greater the persecution.”

If one studies the lives of the faith healers, who wrought miracles & huge amount of money followed in the wake, they were hounded & pounded mercilessly, some went 2 their graves because of the stress, few were spared, it seems to me, in the heyday of faith healing, the only one left standing was Smith Wigglesworth.

I am also hounded soundly wherever I go, whatever I do, so be it, I can take it, I will be left standing.

About these wanna-be Goddesses—they are like the Israelite soldiers who faced the Philistine army with Goliath challenging one of them 2 take him alone.

Many of these men were large & strong, could hold their own in battle, they looked good.

David was the “runt of the litter” in his family, all his brothers were older, bigger, but when the Prophet samuel came to anoint the next King, David was absent—the prophet had to demand David’s presence before making his decision—David was brought in from the fields,

“This is the One,”

samuel said.

It is a remarkable fact that David was anointed three times. First, privately at Bethlehem (1 Sam. 16:13). Second, by the men of Judah (2 Sam. 2:4). Third, by the elders of Israel (2 Sam. 5:3). So also was that august One whom he foreshadowed. This will appear the more evident if we quote the following: "Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in (or "from") the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward" (1 Sam. 16:13). Concerning our Lord, His humanity was miraculously conceived and sanctified by the Spirit and endowed with all graces in the Virgin’s womb (Luke 1:35). Second, He was publicly "anointed with the Spirit" (Acts 10:38) at His baptism, and thus equipped for His ministry (see Isa. 61:1). Third, at His ascension He was "anointed with the oil of gladness above His fellows" (Ps. 45:6, 7). It was to this that the anointing of David more especially pointed.

among the Israelite army, tormented on what 2 do, were those brothers of david. When he arrived with their food (relatives provided food 4 the soldiers in those days) david asked,

“who’s going 2 take care of this guy?”

Again, as usual, they all laughed at David & told him to go back to the sheep. They forgot about the anointing.

(Oh, yes, the anointing, that all-important factor, which few have, which is not of the flesh, which is another dimension, a mystery.)

Why is one woman anointed, while another isn’t?

What is it that I have that I claim is missing from the ones who attack me?

Take a look at David. What did David have that his brothers did not? Why did the prophet, by an inner knowledge, know David was “the one?”

Consider this – when David was out in the fields he killed a lion & a bear – with his sling shot!

What would the average “shepherd” have done, at the sight of a lion or bear? Certainly, run, sacrificing one sheep 2 save his own life! Then again, another might have tried to defend the sheep, but had not enough skill.

The fact that David killed the lion & the bear proves, 4 one thing, that he did a lot of slingshot practice, practice makes perfect. Secondly, David had the courage 2 face these creatures, who could have easily killed him. Thirdly, David cared enough about the sheep to risk his life! This says a lot about David, & to me, the most humorous part, is the slingshot practice.

There r many who say,

“I would have defended the sheep, but I knew I did not have the ability, so I had to leave the scene.”

This person did not do a lot of slingshot practice, which says that she is not committed 2 the defense of those who need it.

And so, Samuel knew that in his interior disposition, David was worthy of an anointing, David would use an anointing 4 the good of others, David would defend the sheep at the risk of his own life, David was “the one.”

And so, because I have followed the precepts of God, I have practiced defending the sheep, I have prepared myself, God has anointed me, I am “the one”, for matriarchy, 4 spiritual combat, & women who boast of divinity through their gender r not “the one” because they have not the qualities 4 the making of the goddess.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Femdom is a tool of feminism to enslave men and make them weak and submissive.The funny thing is those who do femdom many a times revert back to other extreme-maledom.It does’nt take much intelligence to understand that this BDSM is only a sexual perversion designed to cause physical and mental trauma to people engaged in it and thus cause degeneration of society.Masonic(freemasons) writers for the last 200 years have written feminist and femdom sexual utopia in protestant countries under the secret guidance of catholic Jesuit preists.They promoted feminism and these sexual perversions only to destroy your protestant nations.Freemasonry is a secret society developed by Jesuits to enslave men and women of protestant countries through feminism and femdom and thus destroy protestantism secretly,results of which you can clearly see in mainline protestantism today.That is why you see masonic lodges only in predominantly protestant areas,never in catholic areas. I belive god will bless you to see the truth that feminism and femdom are only lies initiated by catholics through their secret jesuit -freemason axis to destroy protestantism-true religion of god.